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Sled Dogs Experience South Korea

Mar 03, 2019


Korea Event Big Group 2019

By Natalia Santamaria ICP / SCP Examiner
See translation in Spanish below

When I left Korea last December, I did not expect to come back so soon but there I was on my way back on February 14th!  We had an epic weekend 15-17 February teaching more than 500 people from Korea, Indonesia, Cambodia, Philipines, Japan, Malaysia, etc. to skate on the snow. It was very challenging, in so many aspects that I know I will remember this experience for the rest of my life.


There were 25 instructors coming from as different countries as Singapore, Spain, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Croatia, Korea or China, joining forces by contributing their knowledge and passion to make long lasting memories in the hearts of those who we taught this exciting new snow sport-- Most of whom had never seen the snow before!

Korea Small Group

The wonderful Spanish team, from Segovia Patina brought in 3 certified instructors and was joined by Mike Tang one of our most experienced ICP Examiners from Singapore. It was amazing to see how our way of teaching inline skating and the teaching model that we use, can be applied to any sport.

All in all it was a wonderful experience.

I am just looking forward to the next adventure that the ICP and SCP will bring!

Check out this video from this Epic event in South Korea!

Korea Big Jump


Sled Dogs Logo

Cuando el pasado mes de diciembre dejaba Corea, no esperaba volver tan pronto... pero aquí vamos de nuevo.... un fin de semana épico en el hemos enseñado a patinar en la nieve a más de 500 personas, provenientes de países como Corea, Indonesia, Camboya, Filipinas, Japón o Malasia. Ha sido una experiencia retadora en tantísimos aspectos que se que la recordaré el resto de mi vida.

25 instructores de países como Singapur, España, República Checa, Alemania, Austria, Croacia, Corea o China, han unido sus fuerzas , conocimientos y pasión para crear memorias duraderas en los corazones de aquellos a los que han enseñado, de los que la inmensa mayoría nunca había tocado la nieve.

The wonderful Spanish team, from Segovia Patina, contributed to 3 certified ICP instructors. The Spanish team was joined by Mike Tang one of our most experienced examiners in Singapore. It is amazing to see how our way of scoring works in any sport.

I'm looking forward to the new adventure that ICP and SCP will take me to.

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