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2023 ICP Annual Instructor Meeting

instructor meeting virtual Dec 16, 2023

By ICP Director Kris Fondran

On December 10th, 2023 the ICP held its Annual Instructor Meeting via Zoom where over 60 ICP Instructors and industry experts from over 18 countries registered for the meeting. All who registered received a recording the meeting if they were unable to attend.

The meeting included a quick review of the ICP in 2023 with a summary of online and in-person programming highlights from the year. An introduction of the new ICP Community platform.

We were pleased to welcome Laughlin Artz US, Executive Director of 2030 or Bust  and the World On Wheels movement introduced the effort the organization is making to mitigate climate change by encouraging people to take simple actions toward ending the climate crisis.  

Long time ICP Examiner Krista Heubush (US) gave a summary of her yearly skating race Skate of the Union and her efforts to promote skating and racing in the Washington, DC area.

ICP Examiner Asha Kirkby (UK) from Skatefresh reviewed world-wide travel plans letting us all know where we can come skate with her in the world.

ICP Apprentice Examiner/Instructor Tomasz Araucz (Poland) from Czysta Forma Skate School and Roll Travel reviewed his experience in hosting the very first ICP Level 1 and Level 2 programs in Poland as well as highlights from his skate school.

ICP Examiner Tomy Sugiarto (Indonesia) gave us an overview of his efforts to promote skating through his skate school Rollerskool as well as the launch of his skate company Rodi.

We then divided up into breakout rooms to get to know each other better and to share ideas and experiences regarding teaching skating and promoting the sport.

To honor the planned meeting time,  we officially closed the meeting at 1.5 hours and invited those who could stay a on to over  their feedback in regards to how ICP was doing as an organization and the ICP's efforts to support instructor growth and development as instructors.  There was also time for some questions and answers.

Overall a great meeting and a wonderful reminder of the world-wide reach of the ICP and the global connections and friendships that have taken place through the years all for the love of skating and teaching!



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