Courses & More

London, Great Weather and ICP Welcome Overseas Skaters to Level 1 Program

Jun 22, 2018

By ICP Examiner Asha Kirkby

Ideal weather greeted us for this course and I was very happy to welcome so many overseas skaters to London for the course. We had skaters travelling from Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Scotland and norther England and one from London.

I always appreciate the effort, time and commitment needed by those who come on this course and I try to return that with my own efforts and contribution. No matter what side of the certification you are on-the candidate or examiner-ICP program require maximum energy from all involved! 


This course had skaters coming from certified ICP schools as well as completely new countries as well as someone retesting. This creates a good atmosphere where some candidates already have some teaching experience to share with the group. When skaters need to retake the course it is often after they have done some real teaching and gained more real world teaching experiences. All of these factored into the overall group experience for everyone's benefit.

For me it was a great opportunity to finally meet some skaters who were just names on facebook, plus reconnect with others I already see more regularly. One skater on this course was my student 12 years ago for several years (when he was 7 years old)! It's wonderful to see skating children become skating adults and instructors.Very satisfying.

 Congratulations to the newly "ICP Certified" Instructors and good luck with teaching back home!



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